The Fixies: Top Secret is a 2017 Russian 3D-animated adventure film directed by Vasiko Bedoshvili and Ivan Pshonkin. The film tells the story of a group of tiny invisible creatures called Fixies who live inside various household appliances and help to keep them running smoothly. The Fixies are led by a young Fixie named Tom Thomas who lives in an apartment with his parents.

One day, Tom accidentally reveals the existence of the Fixies to a group of scientists who want to study them. The Fixies are horrified and worried that their entire world will be destroyed. To make matters worse, Tom's mother's new smart home device starts to behave erratically, leading to chaos and potential danger for the Fixies and Tom's family.

Tom teams up with his Fixie friends to solve the mystery and save their homeland. The Fixies must race against time to fix the malfunctioning device before it's too late. Along the way, they encounter challenges and obstacles but ultimately manage to save the day and keep their existence a secret.

The Fixies: Top Secret is a heartwarming, family-friendly film that emphasizes the importance of teamwork, friendship, and problem-solving. The film features colorful animation, catchy songs, and plenty of humor. It is a perfect movie for kids who love technology and science fiction.

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