The First Great Train Robbery, released in 1979, is a crime comedy film directed and starring Sean Connery. The movie is set in 1855 and tells the story of a master criminal named Edward Pierce (Sean Connery) who is planning to steal a shipment of gold from a moving train that is guarded by soldiers and a safe.

Pierce comes up with an elaborate plan and assembles his team, which includes his lover Miriam (Lesley-Anne Down), a safecracker named Agar (Donald Sutherland), and a criminal by the name of Fowler (Wayne Sleep). To execute his plan, Pierce poses as a wealthy businessman and hires a crew to build a fake railway station.

The team manages to steal the gold by sedating the soldiers and stealing the safe. However, the group soon learns that they have been double-crossed by Pierce, who is planning to make off with the loot on his own. Fowler and Miriam work together to stop Pierce, and in the end, they manage to get away with the gold themselves while Pierce is arrested.

The First Great Train Robbery is a fun heist movie that features great performances from its cast and showcases the ingenuity and cunning of its central characters. It was well-received by both critics and audiences at the time of its release and remains a beloved classic today.

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