The First Grader is a biographical drama film directed by Justin Chadwick and released in 2010. It tells the true story of Kimani Maruge, an 84-year-old Kenyan villager and ex-Mau Mau freedom fighter who, in 2003, decides to enroll in a local primary school in order to learn to read and write. The film is set against the backdrop of Kenya's new system of free primary education, which was introduced in 2003.

Maruge's decision to go to school creates controversy in his small village, where education is not considered important for older people. The local school authorities also resist his enrollment, arguing that he is too old to learn and that his place should go to a young child. However, Maruge is determined to get an education, driven by his desire to read a letter from the government promising him a pension for his services during the Mau Mau Uprising.

Maruge's struggles to enroll in the school and his adaptation to the rigors of classroom learning are portrayed in the film, which also delves into his traumatic past as a Mau Mau fighter and the lifelong impact of colonialism on Kenya. The film highlights the importance of education for all, regardless of age, and the transformative power of learning, even in the face of adversity.

The lead role of Kimani Maruge is played by Oliver Litondo, a Kenyan actor who delivers a heartfelt and poignant performance that earned critical acclaim. The film was shot on location in Kenya, with many of the supporting cast and crew being locals. The First Grader was well-received by audiences and critics, and was nominated for several awards, including a BAFTA for Best British Film.

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