
The Fire That Took Her is a heart-wrenching true story based on the life of Judy Malinowski, a mother-of-two and young woman who was set on fire by her ex-boyfriend in August 2015, leaving her with severe burns to her body resulting in her losing both her ears, two fingers, and nearly all of both her hands.

Despite numerous surgeries and a long and painful recovery, Judy fought for two years before succumbing to her injuries, dying in 2017. Before her passing, Judy gave a videotaped testimony which was used as evidence in the trial against her attacker. Her testimony marked the first time in Ohio state history that a homicide victim's recorded statement had been allowed to be used in court.

The movie showcases the brutal attack and examines Judy's relationship with her violent ex, setting the scene for a chilling case that exposes the failures of the justice system when it comes to dealing with domestic abuse and violence against women.

Judy's story is a harrowing reminder of the devastating impact of domestic violence on women and the desperate need for greater social awareness, support and protection for women in such situations. The Fire That Took Her is a powerful and moving film that pays tribute to the life of Judy Malinowski and seeks to bring her story to a wider audience.

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