The film follows Gooding's character, Darren, a successful advertising executive in New York City who is on the verge of losing his job due to a fraudulent ad campaign he created. In a bid to save his career, he returns to his hometown of Monte Carlo, Georgia to collect an inheritance from his deceased aunt.

To receive the inheritance, Darren must lead the church choir to victory at the upcoming Gospel Explosion competition. However, he quickly realizes that the choir is in shambles and made up of a group of rough and unruly individuals who don't get along with each other.

With the help of the beautiful and talented Lilly (played by Knowles), Darren sets out to unite the choir and help them find their voices. Along the way, they face challenges such as infighting, personal demons, and old grudges that threaten to derail their chances of winning the competition.

As Darren and Lilly work together to whip the choir into shape, they also begin to develop a romantic relationship. The film features a number of gospel and R&B musical performances, including covers of classic songs like "He Still Loves Me" and "Summertime."

In addition to Gooding and Knowles, the film's cast includes notable actors such as Mike Epps, Wendell Pierce, and LaTanya Richardson Jackson. The Fighting Temptations was directed by Jonathan Lynn and released in 2003.

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