The Fastest Woman on Earth follows the journey of Jessi Combs, one of the most talented and accomplished female racing drivers, as she sets out to break the land speed record for women in a jet-powered car. The documentary follows Jessi as she works with a team of engineers and mechanics to design and build the car, called the North American Eagle, and prepare it for the highly dangerous feat of attempting to reach speeds of 600 mph on the Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah.

Throughout the film, viewers get a glimpse into Jessi's life and personality, as she balances her professional aspirations with her personal relationships and struggles. We see her navigate the male-dominated world of auto racing, dealing with both the discrimination and admiration that comes with being a female driver. We also witness her coping with the loss of loved ones, as well as her own physical injuries and setbacks.

The filmmakers capture the highs and lows of Jessi's journey, from the excitement and anticipation leading up to the final attempt at the land speed record, to the devastating tragedy that occurs when the car crashes on the Salt Flats. The film pays tribute to Jessi's courage, determination, and talent, while also highlighting the risks and challenges that come with pushing the limits of speed and engineering.

The Fastest Woman on Earth features interviews with Jessi's friends, family, and colleagues, as well as footage of her racing and building the North American Eagle. It offers a compelling portrait of a trailblazing woman who dared to dream big and pursue her passion, even in the face of adversity.

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