The Far Horizons is a 1955 Western film directed by Rudolph Maté. The film tells the true story of the Lewis and Clark expedition, which was sent by President Thomas Jefferson to explore the newly acquired Louisiana Territory. The film follows the journey of Meriwether Lewis (played by Fred MacMurray) and William Clark (played by Charlton Heston) as they lead a small group of men on a perilous journey to the Pacific Ocean.

Along the way, they encounter treacherous terrain, hostile Native American tribes, and wild animals. However, they are able to overcome these dangers with the help of Sacajawea (played by Donna Reed), a Shoshone woman who serves as their guide and translator. Sacajawea proves to be an invaluable asset to the expedition, as she is able to navigate through the unfamiliar territory and obtain supplies from her native people.

As they journey deeper into the wilderness, Lewis and Clark become increasingly isolated from civilization, and tensions begin to rise among the men. However, they are able to stay focused on their mission, and eventually reach the Pacific Ocean. Along the way, they establish friendly relations with many Native American tribes, and collect a wealth of information about the new territory that will prove invaluable to the United States.

Overall, The Far Horizons is a gripping and inspiring adventure film that celebrates the bravery and determination of the American pioneers who explored the vast wilderness of the West.

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