The Endless follows brothers Justin and Aaron as they return to Camp Arcadia, a commune they escaped from a decade ago. The cult is led by a charismatic leader, Hal, who believes that an entity known as "The Ascending" will soon arrive and take them to a higher plane of existence.

Initially skeptical of the group's beliefs, Justin and Aaron start to experience strange and inexplicable events that suggest something else might be at work. As they delve deeper into the commune's mysteries, the brothers begin to question their own sanity and the reality of the world around them.

The Endless is a mind-bending thriller that explores themes of perception, reality, and belief. It was directed by Justin Benson and Aaron Moorhead, who also star as the two brothers, and features an ensemble cast that includes Callie Hernandez, Tate Ellington, and Lew Temple. The film has been praised for its complex storytelling, eerie atmosphere, and strong performances, and has won numerous awards at various film festivals.

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