Kuzco is a young, arrogant emperor who is used to getting everything he wants. Yzma, his royal advisor, is just as power-hungry and aspires to take the throne for herself. When Kuzco decides to build a summer home, he chooses the perfect spot, which just happens to be the location of Pacha's village.

Pacha is a good-natured llama herder who is happily married with two kids. When Kuzco informs him that his home will be destroyed to make way for the palace, Pacha tries to reason with him, but Kuzco is unyielding. Yzma sees an opportunity to take advantage of the situation and concocts a plan to get rid of Kuzco so she can take over the throne.

Yzma's plan backfires, however, when Kuzco is accidentally transformed into a llama instead of being killed by the poison, and ends up lost in the jungle. Pacha comes across him and recognizes him as the emperor, but Kuzco refuses to believe him, at first.

As Pacha helps the emperor find his way back to his palace, the two unlikely partners become friends and gain a mutual respect for each other. Meanwhile, Yzma and her henchman Kronk are hot on their trail, and determined to finish what they started.

As Kuzco regains his human form, he realizes the error of his ways and how his self-centered actions have affected the lives of those around him. He ultimately decides to relinquish his plans for the summer home and return the village back to Pacha, while Yzma is punished for her treacherous deeds.

Throughout the movie, a hilarious and heartwarming story of friendship, redemption, and selflessness is told, with unforgettable characters and witty humor that makes The Emperor's New Groove a classic Disney film.

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