"The Elephant in the Living Room" is a documentary film directed by Michael Webber that explores the contentious issue of exotic animal ownership in the United States. The movie follows the stories of two individuals - Tim Harrison, an Ohio police officer who specializes in handling exotic animals, and Terry Brumfield, who keeps two African lions in his backyard in Southern Ohio.

Through their stories, the film sheds light on the legal and ethical issues surrounding the ownership of exotic animals. The film showcases how the subculture of trading and raising exotic animals as common household pets can have dangerous and deadly consequences.

The documentary exposes the harsh reality of how exotic animals that were once kept as pets can become too big, too dangerous, and too expensive to handle. As a result, many owners abandon or mistreat these animals, leading to tragic consequences.

In addition, the film also highlights the efforts of animal rescue organizations that work tirelessly to save and protect thousands of animals around the country. The film encourages viewers to take action to make changes in the laws surrounding exotic animal ownership and support animal welfare organizations.

"The Elephant in the Living Room" is a thought-provoking and engaging film that challenges viewers to examine their own attitudes towards exotic animal ownership and contemplate the ethical implications of this controversial practice.

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