and background information about the film:

The Edelweiss Pirates is a 2004 German film directed by Niko von Glasow. The film is based on the true story of a group of young rebels who were part of a resistance movement against the Nazi regime during the Second World War.

The Edelweiss Pirates were a loosely organized, anti-authoritarian youth movement that emerged in Germany during the 1930s. The group was made up of mostly working-class youths, who were disillusioned with the Nazi regime and sought to resist its ideology. The Pirates engaged in various forms of resistance, including acts of sabotage, distributing anti-Nazi propaganda, and even engaging in physical altercations with members of the Hitler Youth.

The film follows Karl and his friends as they defy the orders of the Nazi authorities and continue to engage in acts of resistance. However, their actions have consequences, and soon they are arrested and interrogated by the Gestapo. Karl is brutalized and forced to betray his comrades, resulting in their capture and execution.

Meanwhile, Peter is deeply committed to the Nazi ideology and is determined to prove his loyalty by joining the Hitler Youth. He clashes with Karl and his friends and ultimately becomes a pawn in the Nazi authorities' efforts to suppress the Edelweiss Pirates.

The film provides a harrowing and uncompromising portrait of life during the final days of the Nazi regime, highlighting the bravery and sacrifice of those who dared to resist. The film also explores themes of loyalty, betrayal, and the complex relationships between family members who found themselves on opposite sides of the conflict. The performances are exceptional, particularly from the young actors who play Karl and Peter. Ultimately, The Edelweiss Pirates stands as a powerful and moving testament to the resilience of the human spirit in the face of unspeakable brutality.

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