The Drowning of Arthur Braxton is a 2013 British fantasy drama film directed by Luke Cutforth and based on a novel of the same name by Caroline Smailes. The film follows Arthur Braxton, a lonely and unhappy teenager who is constantly bullied at school and neglected at home by his alcoholic mother.

One day, while wandering through the city, Arthur discovers an abandoned Edwardian bathhouse and meets a mysterious water nymph named Delphina. As Arthur becomes enchanted by Delphina's beauty and otherworldly nature, he learns that the bathhouse has been kept alive for generations by the sacrifice of children by its twisted custodian, who seeks immortality through the magical waters.

With Delphina's help, Arthur must overcome his own personal demons and confront the custodian to save both himself and the water nymph from a horrifying fate. Along the way, Arthur finds love and acceptance in the most unexpected places and discovers the strength to stand up to his bullies and take control of his life.

The Drowning of Arthur Braxton is a visually stunning and emotionally powerful film that blends fantasy, horror, and coming-of-age themes to create a unique and unforgettable cinematic experience.

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