The Droving is a British thriller film released in 2020, directed by George Popov and co-written with Jonathan Russell. The movie follows James, a military veteran who returns to his hometown to investigate the disappearance of his younger sister, who vanished around the time of the rural festival called the Droving.

Upon his arrival, James meets several suspicious characters, including a local crime boss and a young woman who claims to be his sister's former lover. As he delves deeper into the mystery, James discovers a sinister conspiracy involving the festival, its organizers, and a mysterious figure known as "The Tally Man," who is said to keep track of the festivity's dark secrets.

As James gets closer to the truth, he realizes that his sister's disappearance might have been part of a long-standing tradition of sacrifice, with him being the next target. The film features intense suspenseful scenes, startling twists, and superb cinematography that captures the eerie and rural atmosphere of the story. The Droving is a gripping and unnerving thriller that has been acclaimed for its excellent performances and haunting score.

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