The Driller Killer is a 1979 horror movie directed and written by Abel Ferrara. The story follows Reno Miller, a struggling artist who lives with two women, Carol and Pamela, in a small and dingy apartment in New York City. Reno is tormented by the noise of a punk rock band who rehearses next door, his inability to find inspiration for his paintings, and his mounting financial problems.

As Reno becomes increasingly unhinged, he starts to have disturbing visions and hallucinations, including one of a man with a drill attacking him. One night, he picks up a power drill and goes out on the streets, where he begins to randomly kill homeless men and women. As his killing spree continues, Reno becomes more delusional, paranoid, and violent.

Meanwhile, his roommates become aware of his erratic behavior and try to intervene, but Reno becomes more and more isolated. Eventually, he is confronted by the police, and the movie ends with Reno lying on the steps of a church, delirious and covered in blood.

The Driller Killer is a disturbing and intense film, known for its realistic and graphic violence. It was initially banned in the UK as a "video nasty," and it remains controversial to this day. The movie's portrayal of urban decay, isolation, and madness has made it a cult classic of the horror genre.

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