The Drawn Together Movie: The Movie! is a feature-length animated comedy film based on the popular animated reality TV show called "Drawn Together." The movie follows the misadventures of eight diverse cartoon housemates who live together in a single house, sharing their experiences while being constantly watched by cameras.

One day, the housemates called to the show's producers only to find that they have been canceled. They are then unceremoniously evicted from the house, leaving them to fend for themselves in the real world. The housemates are initially devastated by their sudden loss of fame and fortune. However, they soon realize that they have a chance to become even more famous by making their own show.

The housemates embark on a wild and hilarious journey across the globe to find the perfect storyline for their new show. Their journey takes them from outer space to a dystopian future, where they encounter various characters who help them along the way. However, as they get closer to their goal, they discover an evil conspiracy that could put an end to their careers and their lives.

Along the way, the housemates confront numerous challenges and obstacles, including a mad scientist, an army of killer robots, and a group of super-powered villains. They must use their unique talents and abilities to overcome these obstacles and save the world from destruction.

In the end, the housemates learn valuable lessons about themselves and their place in the world of entertainment. They eventually make a comeback on the air, and the show is more successful than ever before. The Drawn Together Movie: The Movie! is a hilarious and irreverent animated comedy that satirizes the reality TV format while remaining fun and entertaining.

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