Roy Tucker, played by Gene Hackman, is released from prison by a mysterious organization led by a man named Tagge, portrayed by Richard Widmark. Tagge offers Roy a chance at freedom in exchange for carrying out a high-stakes assassination mission.

Roy reluctantly agrees and is given a new identity and training in espionage tactics. As he carries out his mission, he begins to uncover a web of deceit and betrayal that leads all the way to the highest levels of government. Along the way, Roy is forced to confront his past and the trauma of his experiences in Vietnam.

As Roy gets closer to completing his mission, he realizes that he is being manipulated by forces beyond his control. He must make a decision about where his loyalties truly lie and whether he is willing to sacrifice everything for the truth.

The Domino Principle is a tense and suspenseful thriller that explores themes of loyalty, betrayal, and the consequences of war. Gene Hackman delivers a powerful performance as Roy Tucker, a man caught in a dangerous game of deception and danger.

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