The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya is a 2010 Japanese animated film that is based on the fourth light novel of the same name by Nagaru Tanigawa. Directed by Tatsuya Ishihara and produced by Kyoto Animation, the film is a continuation of the popular anime series, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya.

The movie opens with a series of unusual events that seem to suggest that something is amiss. Kyon wakes up and finds that it is a Monday, but he has a feeling that it is supposed to be Sunday. He meets up with his friends, only to realize that something is not right. Mikuru does not know him, and Koizumi is nowhere to be found. Kyon soon discovers that Haruhi is missing, and he is the only one who still remembers her.

Kyon begins to investigate Haruhi's disappearance and quickly realizes that he has been thrown into a parallel universe where he never met Haruhi or formed the SOS Brigade. The story follows Kyon as he tries to figure out what has happened to Haruhi and how to get back to his own world.

As the plot unfolds, Kyon discovers some remarkable things that could explain his situation. For example, Yuki – formerly an emotionless observer from an alien organization – now attends classes as a human and has developed a personality. She tells Kyon that she is responsible for the parallel universe and explains the reasons for her actions.

The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya combines elements of science fiction, drama, and romance to create a thought-provoking narrative that explores the concept of alternate realities. The production values of the movie are top-notch, with gorgeous animation and a haunting musical score by Satoru Kousaki. Fans of the series will appreciate the development of the relationship between Kyon and the other characters, as well as the film's resolution, which ties up all of the loose ends nicely.

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