The Disappearance of Cari Farver, based on a true story, is a chilling documentary about a woman named Cari Farver who goes missing and her ex-boyfriend Dave Kroupa who becomes the main suspect in her disappearance. The documentary showcases the tumultuous relationship between Cari and Dave and how it spirals out of control after their breakup.

As Dave moves on, Cari becomes increasingly obsessed with him and starts sending him alarming texts and emails. Dave starts to feel threatened and decides to cut all ties with her. However, this only exacerbates the situation as Cari continues to send him disturbing messages, claiming she is watching him and will never let him go.

The situation takes a dangerous turn when Dave’s ex-girlfriend Liz also receives harassing messages from Cari. The two women soon realise that they are in danger and team up to investigate Cari’s disappearance themselves.

Meanwhile, Cari’s mother Nancy refuses to give up and continues to search for her daughter, putting immense pressure on the police. Eventually, the police uncover a shocking discovery that reveals the true extent of Cari’s obsession with Dave and the heartbreaking truth behind her disappearance.

The Disappearance of Cari Farver is a shocking and suspenseful documentary that delves deep into the mind of an obsessive individual and the devastating consequences that can result from a toxic relationship.

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