The young nurse, named Emily, is initially unnerved by the story but tries to brush it off as superstition. She finds herself assigned to Mr. Moore's room for the night shift, where she begins to hear strange noises and witness unexplainable events. She also notices that Mr. Moore's chart is missing from the hospital records. As the night progresses, Emily begins to suspect that Mr. Moore may still be alive and haunting the hospital.

She confides in an older nurse, who reveals that she was one of the nurses who assisted in Mr. Moore's surgery. She explains that Mr. Moore was a troubled man even before the fire and became even more disturbed after the operation. The other nurses and doctors were afraid of him and refused to continue treatment. The older nurse also tells Emily that she believes Mr. Moore made a deal with the devil to stay alive and seek revenge on those who abandoned him.

Emily becomes increasingly frightened as Mr. Moore's presence in the hospital becomes more intense. The other patients on the floor begin to report strange occurrences as well. Emily decides to investigate and finds the missing chart hidden in a storage room. The chart reveals that Mr. Moore was given a drug that caused him to appear dead for a short period of time. He later woke up and escaped from the hospital, never to be seen again.

Emily realizes that Mr. Moore's spirit is still trapped in the hospital and is seeking revenge on those who wronged him. She and the older nurse attempt to perform a spiritual cleansing but are unable to stop Mr. Moore's reign of terror. Eventually, Emily confronts Mr. Moore's spirit and attempts to reason with him. She convinces him to let go of his anger and move on to the afterlife. The hospital returns to normal after that, and Emily is left to contemplate the horrors she witnessed and the secrets that are hidden within the hospital's walls.

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