The Devil's Carnival is a 2012 musical horror film directed by Darren Lynn Bousman and written by Terrance Zdunich. The film tells the story of three sinners who are brought to a strange and mysterious carnival run by Lucifer himself. The carnival is a kind of purgatory, where the sinners are forced to face the consequences of their actions over and over again.

The first sinner we meet is a conniving kleptomaniac named Tamara. She is sentenced to steal over and over again, but with each time she steals, the punishment becomes more severe. She is eventually caught by a masked figure known as the Painted Doll, who tells her she has a chance to redeem herself if she can find a missing ticket.

The second sinner is a gullible teenager named Scorpion, who is lured to the carnival by the promise of a good time. He is quickly swept up in the carnival's attractions, but soon realizes that something is not quite right. He must face his own moral failings or risk being trapped in the carnival forever.

The final sinner is an obsessed father named John, who is looking for his daughter. He is led to the carnival by a mysterious man named Lucifer, who promises him that he can have his daughter back. But as John soon discovers, there is a dark price to pay for everything in the carnival.

As the three sinners navigate the devilish carnival, they encounter a cast of colorful characters, including a maniacal clown, a bearded lady, and a sinister ringmaster. The Devil's Carnival is a dark and twisted tale that explores the nature of sin, redemption, and the price we pay for our mistakes.

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