The Devil Has a Name is a 2019 American thriller-drama film that revolves around the story of an oil baron and a farmer who stand in opposition after the water on the farmer's property is contaminated by the oil company owned by the former. The film stars David Strathairn, Kate Bosworth, Edward James Olmos, Martin Sheen, and Haley Joel Osment.

The movie centers on Fred Stern (played by David Strathairn), a wealthy and powerful oil baron who has been running his family-owned oil business for years. When he learns that the water on the nearby farm owned by a farmer named Santiago (played by Edward James Olmos) has been contaminated due to the oil company's illegal disposal of chemicals, he decides to take matters into his own hands.

On the other hand, Colleen (played by Kate Bosworth), a bright and ambitious young environmental lawyer, is determined to expose the truth behind Stern's dirty business practices. With the help of the farmer, they file a lawsuit against Stern's company, hoping to hold him accountable for the damages he's caused.

As the legal battle heats up, Stern brings out all his power and connections to save his company from being held responsible. However, the farmer, Colleen, and even Stern's own daughter, played by Haley Joel Osment, refuse to give up until justice is served.

Throughout the film, tensions rise between the two sides, and the Battle for the farm's water becomes a symbol of the struggles between corporations and ordinary people. With a powerful cast and compelling story, The Devil Has a Name shines a light on the importance of standing up against those in power and fighting for what's right.

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