In the movie "The Delinquents," Román and Morán are two bank employees who find themselves stuck in monotonous routines and mundane daily lives. Frustrated with their circumstances, they begin questioning the purpose and meaning of their existence.

As they contemplate their predicament, one of them, let's say Román, comes up with the radical idea of committing a crime to break free from the monotony of their lives. Motivated by a desire for excitement, Román devises an elaborate plan to rob their own bank. Against all odds, he manages to successfully execute the heist, not only stealing a significant amount of money but also extending his newfound fate to Morán.

Initially, Román's criminal act brings an exhilarating sense of freedom and empowerment to both of them. The stolen money grants them the means to make a big change in their lives, and they decide to embark on a drastic transformation. They leave their old lives behind, including their jobs and previous identities, and go on the run to start afresh.

With their new wealth, Román and Morán begin living a life of luxury, indulging in all the desires they had once daydreamed about. While they enjoy their newfound freedom, they constantly have to evade the authorities who are hot on their trail, trying to solve the bank robbery.

However, as they continue living this thrill-seeking lifestyle, cracks start to appear in their partnership. The weight of their actions begins to take a toll on Román and Morán's relationship, leading to tensions and disagreements between them. They gradually realize that the pursuit of a better existence through criminal means may not be the ultimate solution they had hoped for.

As their lives continue to spiral out of control, Román and Morán find themselves facing the consequences of their actions. The line between right and wrong becomes blurred, and they are forced to confront the morality of their choices. Ultimately, they are left with a choice: whether to continue down the path of crime and risk losing everything or to find redemption and a chance at a truly better existence through a different means.

"The Delinquents" delves into themes of existentialism, the pursuit of happiness, and the consequences of one's actions. Through a gripping narrative, the film explores the characters' journey from longing for change to grappling with the implications of their choices, ultimately posing thought-provoking questions about the true meaning of a better existence.

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