The Death and Return of Superman is a 2019 animated superhero film based on the comic book storyline of the same name. The movie follows the story of Superman as he faces his greatest challenge in the form of an unstoppable alien creature named Doomsday. As the Justice League battles Doomsday, Superman engages in a brutal fight that ultimately leads to his death.

With the death of their greatest hero, the world is plunged into mourning, as Lois Lane and the other residents of Metropolis struggle to come to terms with the loss of Superman. However, their grief is short-lived as four mysterious new heroes emerge to take the place of the fallen Superman.

These new heroes, Steel, Superboy, Cyborg Superman, and the Eradicator, each possess their own unique powers and abilities. However, they all claim to be the true heir to Superman's legacy, leading to a clash of egos and a struggle for control of the title of Superman.

As the four new heroes battle for supremacy, a new threat emerges in the form of the evil Mongul and his army of alien warriors. Can the new heroes put aside their differences and work together to stop Mongul and his invasion, or will they succumb to their own rivalries and fail to live up to the legacy of Superman?

The Death and Return of Superman is a thrilling and action-packed superhero film that explores the themes of loss, legacy, and heroism. With stunning animation and an all-star voice cast, including Jerry O'Connell, Rebecca Romijn, Rainn Wilson, and Rosario Dawson, it is a must-watch for fans of Superman and the DC Universe.

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