"The Day Shall Come" is a comedy-drama film directed by Christopher Morris. It tells the story of Moses Shabalala, an impoverished leader of a small religious commune in Miami, who is struggling to keep his community afloat. His wife Venus, is severely ill, and they are facing eviction from their home. Desperate for money to save his family and community, Moses unknowingly accepts funding from an FBI informant, Kendra Glack (Anna Kendrick), who convinces him to perform some "terroristic" acts so that she can get a promotion.

Moses, having experienced discrimination and oppression in his life, sees the opportunity as the chance to raise awareness of his cause and free his followers from the shackles of poverty and oppression. With the help of his followers, a ragtag group of misfits, Moses starts planning a revolution against the government. But what he doesn’t realize is that the FBI plans to entrap him and manufacture evidence against him, even encouraging him to make contact with Al Qaeda.

As the FBI's plans come to a head, Moses's road to martyrdom is diverted with hilarious, bizarre and tragic results. The movie explores themes of systemic injustice, prejudice, and the ways in which institutions like the FBI can exploit vulnerable, under-resourced communities in order to further their own agendas.

The Day Shall Come features an ensemble cast including Marchánt Davis as Moses, Anna Kendrick, and Danielle Brooks. It premiered at the SXSW Festival in Austin, Texas, and received generally positive reviews from critics who praised the film's wit, humor and nuanced exploration of serious issues.

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