The Day After is a made-for-television movie that aired on ABC in 1983. It was directed by Nicholas Meyer and written by Edward Hume. The movie focuses on the events leading up to a nuclear war between the United States and Russia, as well as the aftermath of the attack. The story is told through the experiences of several characters in a small town in Kansas, who are all affected by the nuclear war in different ways.

Dr. Russell Oakes, played by Jason Robards, is a respected physician who is called upon to help treat the injured after the nuclear war begins. Denise Dahlberg, played by JoBeth Williams, is a single mother who is about to get married to her fiancé Jim, played by Jeff East. Russell's daughter, Rachel, is played by Lori Lethin, who is a college student studying architecture. Rachel's boyfriend, Bruce, is played by John Cullum, who is also an architect and a peace activist.

As the movie progresses, tensions between the United States and Russia escalate, and nuclear war becomes more and more likely. When the bombs finally fall, the town is decimated, with many of its buildings and inhabitants destroyed. The survivors must band together to try to rebuild their shattered lives, while also dealing with the fallout from the nuclear war.

The Day After was a groundbreaking movie when it was released, as it was one of the first films to realistically depict the effects of a nuclear war. It had a profound impact on audiences and policymakers alike, who were forced to consider the real dangers of a nuclear war. The movie was nominated for multiple Emmy Awards and won a Peabody Award for its powerful portrayal of the consequences of nuclear war.

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