"The Darker the Lake" is a supernatural horror movie set in a small town called Millwood, nestled by an eerie lake of unknown depth. The town had always been known for its tranquility and serenity, until a series of gruesome murders start happening under inexplicable circumstances. The victims all seem to have some connection to a local legend about a deadly game that's been played for generations.

Detective Alex Johnson, a no-nonsense cop who's seen it all, is assigned to the case, with the help of her new partner, Detective Neil Davis. Neil is an ambitious young detective, eager to prove himself, but he has a dark secret about his past that he's trying to keep hidden.

As they dig deeper into the mystery, Alex and Neil realize that the game is more than just a myth, and that the residents of Millwood have been playing it for centuries, passing it down through generations. The players believe that the game is their way of appeasing the supernatural forces that lie beneath the lake, but some are willing to take it to extreme measures.

As the body count starts to rise, Alex and Neil find themselves caught in the middle of a deadly game of cat-and-mouse, with the players trying to eliminate them before they can solve the case. In the end, they uncover a shocking truth that hits too close to home, revealing that the game was born out of a tragic event in the town's past.

"The Darker the Lake" is a haunting tale of ancient secrets, supernatural forces, and the lengths people will go to keep them hidden. It's a spine-chilling movie that will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very end.

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