The Dark

Horror,Drama,Fantasy  Austria 

The Dark is a horror film that centers around a young girl named Mina who was murdered and turned into a vengeful, flesh-eating undead creature. She haunts a remote stretch of woods where she was killed decades earlier, feeding on anyone who wanders into her territory.

One day, Mina discovers a young boy named Alex who has been kidnapped and abused, hiding in the trunk of one of her victim’s cars. Despite her usual murderous tendencies, Mina decides to let Alex live, throwing her isolated and solitary existence into chaos.

As Mina spends more time with Alex, she begins to question the extent of the damage that her murderer inflicted upon her humanity. She starts to remember her past life and the people she loved, leading her to reconsider her ways and whether she can leave her undead existence behind.

The Dark is a haunting and suspenseful film that tackles themes of trauma, abuse, and redemption through the unlikely relationship between a flesh-eating monster and a young boy. Its atmospheric setting and strong performances make it a must-watch for fans of horror and drama alike.

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