The Dallas Connection is an action-packed thriller directed by Christian Drew Sidaris. The story follows a group of assassins led by Black Widow (played by Julie Strain), who are hired by a rogue IWAR agent to prevent Antonio Morales (played by Rodrigo Obregon) from handing over an important computer chip to IWAR headquarters.

Meanwhile, three secret agents, Chris Cannon (played by Bruce Penhall), Mark Austin (played by Mark Barriere), and Samantha Maxx (played by Julie K. Smith), are tasked with protecting Morales and retrieving the chip. The agents must race against time to outsmart the assassins and save Morales from certain death.

As the agents close in on their targets, they uncover a sinister plot involving a powerful international criminal organization. Their mission becomes even more urgent as they realize that the fate of the world could hang in the balance.

The Dallas Connection boasts thrilling action sequences, gorgeous locations, and a cast of attractive and talented actors. It's a fast-paced and relentlessly entertaining film that's sure to please action fans.

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