"The Daisy Chain" is a psychological horror movie that was released in 2008 and directed by Aisling Walsh. The film follows a couple named Martha (played by Samantha Morton) and Tomas (played by Steven Mackintosh) who have recently moved to a remote Irish village after the tragic death of their infant daughter. Martha, who is still grieving, finds solace in helping others, and the couple soon takes in a young, orphaned girl named Daisy (played by Mhairi Anderson). Daisy is a nonverbal, autistic child who is rumored to have supernatural abilities, and she quickly becomes fascinated with Martha and Tomas.

As Martha spends more time with Daisy, she begins to notice strange occurrences happening around the village. People are disappearing, and the villagers are acting increasingly hostile towards the couple. Martha starts to suspect that a mysterious figure called the Crone (played by Eva Birthistle) is behind these events, and she believes that Daisy may be the only one who can stop her. As Martha investigates further, she begins to unravel a web of deceit and a dark secret that the village has been hiding for generations.

"The Daisy Chain" is a slow-burning horror movie that explores themes of grief, loss, and the supernatural. The film is shot in the beautiful Irish countryside and has a haunting, atmospheric soundtrack that adds to its eerie ambiance. It also has strong performances from its lead actors, particularly Samantha Morton, who brings depth and emotion to her character's struggles. Overall, "The Daisy Chain" is a haunting and well-crafted horror movie that will leave viewers on edge long after the credits roll.

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