The Curse of Lilith Ratchet is a horror movie directed by Eddie Lengyel. The film follows the story of Alice and Lauren, two friends who accidentally acquire a mysterious shrunken head, which unleashes a curse that they cannot seem to shake off. They seek the help of Hunter Perry, a popular paranormal podcast host, to understand the nature of their find.

Hunter Perry is excited to host a live podcast on the shrunken head, hoping to increase his ratings. However, during the show, the curse is triggered, and Lilith Ratchet, the malevolent demonic spirit, is released. Lilith Ratchet is a vengeful spirit who seeks revenge on those who have wronged her, and she begins to terrorize the group of friends.

As the curse takes hold of them, Alice and Lauren, along with their friends, must find a way to defeat Lilith Ratchet and break the curse before it's too late. The movie is a classic horror tale that capitalizes on the trope of unleashing an ancient demon, resulting in a nightmarish tale of terror. The Curse of Lilith Ratchet is a must-see for horror movie fans.

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