The Current War is a historical drama film that chronicles the rivalry between Thomas Edison (Benedict Cumberbatch) and George Westinghouse (Michael Shannon) in the late 19th century. The film primarily focuses on their competition to develop and popularize an electricity system that could power the country and revolutionize how people interact with energy.

The story begins with Edison already having established himself as the inventor of the lightbulb. He believes that direct current (DC) is the best and safest way to distribute electricity to the masses. However, Westinghouse sees things differently and backs alternating current (AC), which he argues is more efficient and less expensive to produce.

As both men fiercely compete to market their system to the American people, they resort to slander, sabotage, and even violence to gain an edge. However, despite their efforts, the race to electrify America takes a terrible turn when their mutual hatred gives way to a tragic consequence as they battle to win the war.

The movie also features other historical figures who played a significant role in the electric power industry, such as Nikola Tesla (Nicholas Hoult), Samuel Insull (Tom Holland), and J.P. Morgan (Matthew Macfadyen). Ultimately, The Current War provides a fascinating insight into the incredible story behind electricity's birth, evolution, and the competition that fueled a historic revolution.

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