The Conspirator is a historical drama film directed by Robert Redford and released in 2010. The film is centered around the trial of Mary Surratt, who is accused of being part of a group that plotted and carried out the assassination of Abraham Lincoln.

Set in the aftermath of Lincoln's assassination, the film explores the political and social tensions of the era, including the debate over the use of military tribunals to try civilians. The Conspirator depicts Surratt as a small business owner who was only tangentially involved in the plot and who is unfairly targeted by authorities looking for a scapegoat.

The film features a strong ensemble cast, including Robin Wright as Mary Surratt, James McAvoy as her reluctant lawyer, Kevin Kline as the lead prosecutor, and Tom Wilkinson as the presiding judge. The movie was generally well-received by critics, who praised Redford's direction and the performances of the cast.

Overall, The Conspirator is a compelling historical drama that sheds light on a little-known aspect of Lincoln's assassination and the aftermath that followed.

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