The Confession is a 1999 film directed by David Jones. The film stars Ben Kingsley as Harry Fertig, a grieving father who seeks revenge against the doctors responsible for his son's death. Alec Baldwin plays Roy Bleakie, Fertig's legal defense attorney, who is initially reluctant to take on the case due to its controversial nature.

As the case unfolds, Bleakie begins to question his own beliefs and values. He finds himself torn between his duty as a lawyer and his own conscience. The case becomes a moral dilemma not only for Bleakie but also for the audience as they must decide whether Fertig's actions were justified or not.

Throughout the film, the audience is taken on a gripping emotional journey as they witness Fertig's pain and anguish over the loss of his son, as well as the toll that his actions have taken on his own life. The Confession explores themes of grief, justice, and the ethics of revenge, and encourages viewers to question their own beliefs about the justice system and moral behavior.

The Confession was well-received by critics for its powerful performances and thought-provoking story. The film was inspired by a true story and offers a sobering look at the consequences of medical malpractice, as well as the debate over vigilantism as a means of seeking justice.

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