The Commuter is a 2018 action thriller directed by Jaume Collet-Serra and stars Liam Neeson as the main character Michael MacCauley. The plot revolves around Michael, an insurance salesman and former police officer, who takes the same commuter train home every day. On this particular day, a mysterious woman named Joanna (Vera Farmiga) approaches him and offers him a proposition: find a specific passenger on the train and in exchange for completing this task, he will receive $100,000. However, Michael soon realizes that he has been caught up in a dangerous criminal conspiracy. As he races against time to uncover the truth and protect those around him, he must use all of his skills and experience to survive and ultimately, take down the criminal organization behind the conspiracy. Along the way, Michael must make some tough moral decisions that could impact the lives of everyone involved. The movie features thrilling action sequences, unexpected twists, and an intense performance from Neeson as the lead. The Commuter received mixed reviews from critics but was praised for its thrilling pacing and engaging performances.

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