The Comedy of Terrors is a horror-comedy movie from 1963 directed by Jacques Tourneur. It stars Vincent Price as Waldo Trumbull, a struggling undertaker who's fallen on hard times with no customers in sight. He's about to be evicted from his home along with his two business partners, Felix Gillie (played by Peter Lorre), and Amos Hinchley (played by Boris Karloff).

Desperate for money, Waldo comes up with a plan to murder wealthy townsfolk and then arrange their funerals, complete with intricate and elaborate send-offs, to get their relatives to pay for the funeral services. Felix reluctantly agrees to help with the scheme, while Amos is merely an alcoholic caretaker who gets in the way.

Things go awry when they accidentally kill the wrong person, Mrs. Trumbull, Waldo's overbearing and shrewish wife. They try to cover up the crime and pass it off as a natural death, but her suspicious doctor, Dr. Black (played by Basil Rathbone), is on to them.

As the body count rises, Waldo and Felix find themselves on the run from the law, and the ghost of Mrs. Trumbull haunts them in their dreams.

Throughout the movie, there's a lot of banter and comic relief, particularly between Price and Lorre, who were known for their on-screen chemistry and humor. Karloff plays the straight man to their antics, while Rathbone adds a touch of sinister sophistication.

In the end, the trio gets their comeuppance in a hilarious and creepy climax that wraps up the twisty plot with just the right mix of horror and humor.

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