The Coma tells the story of Alex, a talented young architect who after suffering from a tragic accident, wakes up in a bizarre world that only slightly resembles reality. As he explores this strange new world, he realizes that it is based on the memories of those who are currently in a deep coma.

Alex quickly discovers that human memory is not always accurate, and the rules of physics do not apply in this highly unstable world. The landscape is ever-changing, as cities, glaciers, and rivers all exist within the same room. The Coma is an odd collection of memories and recollections that Alex must navigate as he struggles to find a way out and return to the real world.

As he journeys through the Coma, Alex meets a young woman named Anna, who becomes the love of his life. Together, they search for an exit to the real world and face many challenges along the way. They encounter dangerous creatures, treacherous landscapes, and come face to face with the dark side of human memory.

As Alex and Anna explore the Coma, they uncover the exact laws and regulations that govern this strange world. They must use this knowledge to navigate this treacherous landscape and eventually find their way back to reality.

The Coma is a gripping and surreal film that keeps you on the edge of your seat until the very end. With stunning visuals and a thought-provoking storyline, this movie explores the nature of memory and the power of the mind.

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