The Chocolate War is a 1988 drama film based on a novel by the same name written by Robert Cormier. The movie is set in a Catholic Private School named Trinity, where the students are ruled by a secret society called The Vigils, headed by a charismatic senior named Archie Costello.

The story revolves around a new student named Jerry Renault, who is forced to participate in the school's annual chocolate sale. The sale is a fundraising event where each student is required to sell boxes of chocolates to raise money for the school. The Vigils, led by Archie, use this opportunity to conduct a twisted psychological experiment on the student body. They order that the sale must be disturbed by at least one individual. No one is expected to "disturb" the sale, but "disturbance" is a school tradition.

Jerry initially refuses to participate in the sale, which makes him a target for The Vigils' bullying. Despite Jerry's resistance, The Vigils continue to pressure him into selling chocolates. When Jerry begins to see that the chocolate sale is not actually voluntary, he takes a stand and refuses to sell any more chocolates. As a result, he is ostracized and bullied by his peers.

Meanwhile, the school administration, represented by Brother Leon, is pressuring the students to sell more chocolates than ever before. Brother Leon sees the chocolate sale as an opportunity to establish himself as permanent headmaster of Trinity. The resulting power struggle between Brother Leon and The Vigils places Jerry at the center of a dangerous game.

In the end, the consequences of Jerry's refusal to conform and sell chocolates lead to a violent and disturbing climax, revealing the dark underbelly of Trinity and its hierarchical power structures.

The Chocolate War is a reflection of the corrupt and oppressive nature of institutional power and how it shapes the minds and lives of young people. It is a gritty and atmospheric portrayal of the dark side of Catholic Private schools, where conformity and obedience are prized above all else.

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