The Changed is a horror-thriller film that takes place in a quiet suburban neighborhood. The movie revolves around a group of individuals who begin to notice strange behaviour among their family members, friends, and neighbours. They soon discover that their loved ones have been replaced by imposters who are part of a larger alien conspiracy.

As the group bands together to fight the imposters, they must overcome their own doubts and fears, and quickly learn to rely on one another to survive. The Changed takes audiences on a suspenseful journey as the group battles the alien imposters to save their community and their own lives.

The film stars a cast of talented actors, including Sarah Jessica Parker, John Cusack, and Kevin Bacon. It is directed by the renowned filmmaker, David Cronenberg, who is known for his unique and thought-provoking style of horror films.

The Changed is a captivating horror-thriller that will leave audiences on the edge of their seats. With its gripping storyline, talented cast, and expert direction, the film is sure to be a must-see for horror enthusiasts.

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