The Challenger Disaster is a 2019 biographical drama film that showcases a human story behind one of the most shocking and tragic events in the history of American space exploration. The story revolves around Roger Boisjoly, an engineer who had a central role behind the launch decision.

Boisjoly had been working on the design of rocket boosters that were used in space shuttles, and he was aware of the fact that the O-ring seals in the booster could fail due to low temperature. On the eve of the Challenger launch, he tried to convince NASA and the company to delay the launch, but his concerns were ignored.

Despite expressing his concerns several times, Boisjoly's warnings were dismissed, and the Challenger was launched on January 28, 1986. The launch was initially a success, but soon after takeoff, the O-ring seals ruptured, causing a massive explosion that killed all seven astronauts on board.

The Challenger Disaster focuses on the ethical and moral dilemma faced by Boisjoly, who was torn between his sense of duty and loyalty to his employer, and his obligation to protect human life. He made a last-ditch effort to stop the launch, knowing that his actions could cost him his job, but he felt it was necessary to prevent a tragedy.

The film portrays Roger Boisjoly's struggle with the authoritarian bureaucracy of NASA and the space shuttle program, which prioritized schedules and budgets over safety and ethics. As a human tragedy, the Challenger Disaster highlights the importance of the human factor in decision-making, and the ultimate cost of ignoring it.

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