The Caveman's Valentine is a psychological thriller based on the novel by George Dawes Green. Directed by Kasi Lemmons, the film utilizes a hauntingly beautiful score composed by Terence Blanchard to heighten the story's suspense and tension.

The movie revolves around the character of Romulus Ledbetter, played by Samuel L. Jackson, a former Juilliard-educated pianist who now lives in a cave in Central Park. Romulus is plagued by mental illness, hearing voices and experiencing delusions, and he lives alone in his cave, making music with his piano and living off the grid.

One day, Romulus stumbles upon the frozen corpse of a young man hanging in a tree. Despite the authorities' assumption that the death was an accident, Romulus becomes convinced that it was a murder committed by the famous art photographer, David Leppenraub (Colm Feore). Romulus embarks on a dangerous mission to prove his theory, even though he is given no credibility by the people he encounters, including his estranged daughter, Moira (Aunjanne Ellis), who is a police officer.

As Romulus investigates, his mental state deteriorates, and he becomes more and more convinced that Leppenraub is guilty of murder. The film takes on a surreal quality as Romulus's hallucinations and paranoia intensify, blurring the lines between reality and fantasy.

The movie is a chilling exploration of mental illness and the toll it can take on a person's life, as well as a commentary on the class divide in contemporary society. Samuel L. Jackson's bold and commanding performance as Romulus is the heart of the film, and he imbues the character with a fierce determination and a sense of tragic loss.

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