The Case for Christmas is a 2011 made-for-television movie produced by Hallmark Channel. The film follows Michael Sherman, an ambitious young lawyer, who is determined to make partner at his law firm. However, his plans take a detour when he receives a rather unusual case from his boss. He is asked to represent Santa Claus, who is being sued by a group of children for breaking their toys and not fulfilling their Christmas wishes.

At first, Michael is reluctant to take on the case, as he believes it will ruin his chances of making partner. However, when he meets Santa and learns about the true meaning of Christmas, he is compelled to help him fight the lawsuit.

With the help of his assistant, Jenna Wright, Michael embarks on a mission to prove that Santa is real and that he did not intentionally break the children's toys. However, the odds are stacked against them, and they will have to fight against a powerful corporate conglomerate that wants to cancel Christmas and replace it with a new holiday.

As Michael delves deeper into the case, he discovers that the heart of the matter is not about the toys or the lawsuit, but rather about the values that Christmas represents, such as love, generosity, and compassion.

The Case for Christmas stars Dean Cain as Michael Sherman and Rachel Blanchard as Jenna Wright. It is directed by Timothy Bond and written by Barbara Kymlicka. The film received positive reviews for its heartwarming story, strong performances, and holiday spirit.

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