The Carnivores is a darkly comedic drama film directed by Caleb Michael Johnson. The story follows the lives of Alice and Bret, a young couple who are struggling to keep their relationship together as they face the imminent death of their beloved dog, Harvie.

As Harvie's condition worsens, he begins to exhibit strange and increasingly disturbing behavior, causing Alice and Bret to question everything they thought they knew about their pet. As their relationship deteriorates, they find themselves consumed by suspicion, jealousy, and resentment, with Harvie at the center of it all.

Things come to a head when Alice discovers that Bret has been secretly feeding Harvie excessive amounts of ground beef, causing his health to worsen. The revelation sends both of them into a spiral of guilt and self-doubt as they confront the reality of their deteriorating relationship and the possibility that they may not be able to save Harvie.

Despite its heavy subject matter, The Carnivores is infused with a darkly comedic tone that balances out the more intense moments of the film. Johnson's direction is stylized and visually striking, with a distinctively eerie atmosphere that adds to the overall sense of unease and tension.

The lead performances by Tallie Medel (Alice) and Frank Mosley (Bret) are both excellent, imbuing their characters with a grounded realism that makes their struggles feel all the more poignant and relatable. The film is ultimately a poignant exploration of love, loss, and the unpredictable ways in which grief can manifest in our lives.

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