The Burning Buddha Man is a Japanese anime film directed by Ujicha. It was released in 2013 and is known for its unique animation style, which is a combination of hand-drawn gekimation, paper cutouts, and puppetry.

The film follows the story of Beniko, a high school student who lives in Kyoto with her parents. Her family runs a temple, and they own a valuable Buddha statue that is believed to have supernatural powers. However, one day, the Buddha statue is stolen by a mysterious thief, who also murders Beniko's parents.

Filled with grief and a desire for revenge, Beniko sets out on a journey to recover the stolen statue and discover the identity of the thief. Along the way, she encounters various fantastical creatures and gods, each with their unique abilities and powers.

Beniko's journey takes her to strange and surreal locations, from the depths of a haunted forest to the top of a towering Buddhist tower. As she gets closer to the thief, she learns more about the dark forces that are at play and discovers the true nature of the stolen Buddha statue.

The Burning Buddha Man is a visually stunning film, with detailed and intricate animation that captures the fantastical and otherworldly nature of Beniko's journey. The film also explores themes of revenge, grief, and the balance between good and evil, making it an enthralling and thought-provoking viewing experience.

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