The Burning Bed is a 1984 film based on the true story of Francine Hughes, a Michigan housewife who was abused by her husband for more than a decade. The movie stars Farrah Fawcett as Francine, and Paul Le Mat as Mickey, her abusive husband.

Francine endures years of physical and emotional abuse from Mickey, who beats her regularly and cheats on her. She goes to the police and tries to file charges against him, but they tell her that there is nothing they can do. She turns to her family for help, but they are unable to help her either.

One night, after Mickey rapes her, Francine decides that she has had enough. She sets their bed on fire with Mickey in it while he is asleep. She then runs to a neighbor's house and tells them what she has done.

The film follows Francine's trial, where she pleads not guilty by reason of temporary insanity. Her defense attorney argues that Francine suffered from "battered woman syndrome," a condition that affects women who have been subjected to long-term physical and emotional abuse. Despite the evidence of Francine's abuse, the jury finds her guilty of murder in the second degree.

The Burning Bed was a groundbreaking film at the time of its release, as it brought attention to the issue of domestic violence and the struggles that victims face when trying to seek help. The movie was nominated for several Emmy Awards, and Farrah Fawcett's performance was widely praised.

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