The Burial follows the story of Jack, a funeral home owner who is facing the bleak prospect of losing his family business to a large corporate conglomerate. With the help of a young and ambitious lawyer, Maya, Jack fights tooth and nail to save his livelihood.

As the case progresses, Maya uncovers a dark history of racial discrimination that has plagued the funeral business for years. She discovers that the corporate behemoth has been systematically pushing out small, family-owned funeral homes owned by people of color.

Maya herself is a woman of color, and the case becomes deeply personal to her. She navigates her way through a web of power and oppression, encountering obstacles every step of the way.

One of the key players in the case is a wealthy white funeral home owner named Charles. Charles is ruthless in his business dealings and has no qualms about exploiting his competitors. However, as Maya delves deeper into the case, she discovers a surprising connection between Charles and Jack's family.

The Burial culminates in a dramatic courtroom showdown, with Maya and Jack facing off against the corporate behemoth and its high-powered legal team. The film explores themes of social justice, prejudice, and the importance of standing up for what's right, no matter the cost.

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