The Brave One is a 2007 American psychological thriller film directed by Neil Jordan and starring Jodie Foster, Terrence Howard, and Naveen Andrews. The movie follows Erica Bain (Foster), a New Yorker who hosts a radio show about violence and crime, and her fiancé, David (Andrews). One day, while walking their dog in Central Park, they are brutally attacked by three men, who beat David to death and leave Erica in critical condition.

As Erica recovers, she struggles to come to terms with the trauma of the attack and the loss of her beloved fiancé. She becomes increasingly paranoid and afraid, unable to leave her apartment or even sleep at night. But when she witnesses a street crime and reports it to the police, she realizes that she has a newfound sense of empowerment - and a desire for revenge against those who took everything from her.

Erica begins to carry a gun and roam the city at night, hunting down criminals and administering her own brand of justice. She becomes known as "The Vigilante" and gains a following on her radio show, where she talks about her experiences and urges other victims to take action. However, her actions attract the attention of Detective Sean Mercer (Howard), who is investigating the wave of vigilante violence that has been sweeping the city. As Mercer gets closer to Erica, their paths become increasingly intertwined, and Erica must decide whether to continue down her path of vengeance or turn herself in to the authorities.

The Brave One is a gritty, intense movie that explores themes of trauma, grief, and the thirst for revenge. Jodie Foster delivers a powerful performance as Erica, capturing the character's inner turmoil and moral ambiguity. The film has been praised for its thought-provoking storyline and nuanced portrayal of vigilantism, and is considered one of the standout films of Foster's career.

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