The Boy Who Killed My Parents Movie online streaming websites

My Twisted Journey of Revenge

Crime,Drama,Thriller  Brazil 

The Boy Who Killed My Parents is a 2020 Brazilian crime drama film directed by Mauricio Eça and written by Ilana Casoy. The movie is based on one of the most notorious cases of patricide in Brazil's history, the murder of Manfred and Marisia von Richthofen in 2002. Marisia's daughter Suzane, her boyfriend Daniel Cravinhos, and his brother Cristian were all convicted of the crime.

The film tells the story from Suzane von Richthofen's perspective and offers a different take on what led to the killing of her wealthy parents. It follows Suzane's troubled relationship with her parents, who were overbearing and controlling, and her growing fascination with her boyfriend's rough and reckless lifestyle.

The movie portrays Suzane as a vulnerable and naive teenager who falls under the spell of Daniel's charisma and his desire to escape poverty. She becomes enmeshed in their schemes to rob and kill her parents as a means of obtaining their fortune.

The film explores themes of parental control, dysfunction, and abuse, as well as the psychological impact of a traumatic childhood on a young person's development. The director offers a sympathetic view of Suzane, presenting her as a tragic figure who was merely a pawn in a larger game.

The Boy Who Killed My Parents was released on September 24, 2020, in select theaters in Brazil and on the streaming service, Globoplay. It was followed by a companion film, A Girl Who Killed Her Parents, which tells the same story from Daniel Cravinhos' point of view.

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