The Boy Friend is a musical comedy film released in 1971 and directed by Ken Russell. The story is set in the 1920s and revolves around a small-time theatrical company preparing for a matinée performance. The leading lady, played by Glenda Jackson, falls ill, and the assistant stage manager, played by Twiggy, is forced to take over her role. This leads to various mishaps and misunderstandings as the inexperienced Twiggy tries to keep up with the demands of the show.

Meanwhile, an illustrious Hollywood director, played by Robert Helpmann, is in the audience, scouting for actors to be in his latest "all-talking, all-dancing, all-singing" extravaganza. He becomes interested in Twiggy and starts to pursue her, much to the chagrin of her boyfriend, played by Christopher Gable. As the performance goes on, the lines between reality and fiction start to blur, leading to a surreal and fantastical finale.

The Boy Friend is notable for its innovative and playful approach to the musical genre, as well as its impressive cast and stylish production design. It also features some memorable songs, such as "Won't You Charleston With Me?", "I Could Be Happy With You", and "The Boy Friend". Despite its mixed critical reception upon release, the film has since gained a cult following and is regarded as a classic musical of the 1970s.

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