The Bourne Legacy is a 2012 American action-thriller film directed by Tony Gilroy and starring Jeremy Renner, Rachel Weisz, and Edward Norton. The film is the fourth installment in the Bourne series and follows the story of a new CIA operative named Aaron Cross, who is a part of a top-secret government program called "Outcome."

When Jason Bourne exposes the existence of the CIA's top-secret Treadstone and Blackbriar programs in the previous installment, the CIA is forced to shut them down. However, as a result, the covert agents who were part of these programs are being hunted down and killed to cover up the CIA's illegal activities.

Aaron Cross, who is part of the Outcome program, goes on the run after his comrades are killed. He teams up with Dr. Marta Shearing (Weisz), a scientist who worked on the program, to find a way to maintain his enhanced physical and mental abilities. Meanwhile, the CIA's Deputy Director Eric Byer (Norton) is determined to eliminate anyone associated with the Treadstone and Blackbriar programs, including Cross and Shearing.

As Cross and Shearing race against time to stay alive, they uncover a conspiracy that goes all the way to the top of the CIA. The film is filled with intense action sequences and thrilling chase scenes as Cross and Shearing fight for survival while trying to expose the truth.

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