The Boston Strangler is a 1968 American psychological thriller film directed by Richard Fleischer and starring Tony Curtis as the titular character. The film follows the investigation of a series of murders committed in the Boston area between 1962 and 1964, where mostly women were killed by a strangling method. The investigation was led by Detective Phil DiNatale, played by Henry Fonda, and Detective John Bottomly, played by George Kennedy.

The film starts with the discovery of the first victim of the strangler, a young woman named Anna Slesers, followed by the murder of several more women. The police have several leads, including a creepy grocer named Albert DeSalvo, played by Tony Curtis, who is on the verge of being caught by the police. However, the case takes a surprising turn when DeSalvo is arrested on a different charge and confesses to being the Boston Strangler.

The film explores the psychological makeup of the Strangler, portraying him as a deeply disturbed individual who was tormented by his own conflicted sexuality. While the film follows the investigation closely, it also delves into the media frenzy that followed the murders, with reporters trying to sensationalize the events and the public becoming increasingly fearful of a serial killer on the loose.

The Boston Strangler received mixed reviews upon its release, with some critics praising the performances of the lead actors, while others criticized the film for its portrayal of the murders. Despite this, the film has become a cult classic and is still regarded as an important piece of true crime cinema.

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